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Admissions Queen's Manor Primary

All applications to our school are managed by Hammersmith and Fulham School Admissions. To make an application, please visit their website. 


We accept children into our Nursery after their third birthday. Most children usually spend three or four school terms at Nursery before starting primary school. The nursery is made up of three different sessions: morning, afternoon and full time.  

You can apply for any of the above sessions however, if we are able to offer you a place in our nursery, we cannot guarantee an offer of your requested session. 

For more information, please contact the school office on 020 7385 4343 or email 

Transfer from Queen's Manor Primary School Nursery to Reception is not automatic. Children who attend our Nursery are still required to apply. 


Hammersmith and Fulham Council co-ordinate all admissions to the Reception class at Queen's Manor Primary School.

  • Transfer from Queen's Manor Primary School Nursery to Reception is not automatic.
  • Children who attend our Nursery are still required to apply for a Reception place at the school through the Local Authority.
  • We welcome children from a range of nursery schools, other settings or from home.

You must apply via the Hammersmith and Fulham Primary Admissions eAdmissions website.

Applications open in September and close on 15th January 2024. Parents and carers are notified of their place in April before the September of starting school.

In-Year Admissions

In-year Admissions are when children join Queen's Manor Primary School during the school year.

Some children join Queen's Manor Primary School from other schools, from schools elsewhere in the UK or from overseas during the school year. Applications are processed by Hammersmith and Fulham  eAdmissions website. Alternatively, parents and carers may apply directly to the school for an In-year place.

For more information, please contact the school office on 020 7385 4343 or email 

We welcome visits to our school and encourage parents and carers to contact us with any questions or enquiries.


Parents/carers whose application for a place is unsuccessful, have the right to appeal the decision. This must be expressed in accordance with the Schools Admissions Criteria. Should you wish to appeal, a form can be obtained from the school office by emailing

Please complete the appeal form and submit by the date stated. Appeals should be addressed for the attention of Queen's Manor Primary School Governors .

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