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Attendance & Punctuality

Children are required by law to receive 190 days education per year. Regular attendance at school is vital for your child’s progress, and you have a legal responsibility to see that your child is in school and on time every day.

Please telephone the school on the first day of your child’s absence to let us know why your child is absent.

If your child is absent and returns within 2 days, you will need to complete a 'Return to School Form'. 

If you child is absent for more than 3 days, you will need to compete a 'Return to School Form - 3 days or more'  and provide medical evidence. Please attach or bring in medical evidence and provide a reason for your child’s absence.

A list of school holidays is issued every year and family holidays should be planned within these dates.  We adhere to the local authority’s policy on exceptional leave which clearly advises that term time absences can only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

It is important that you should be aware that, if you take your child out of school without authorisation, the matter will be referred to the Education Welfare Service. Under Section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996 the Education Welfare Service may issue a Penalty Notice/s.

The fine of the Penalty Notices is £60 for each parent and for each child if paid within 21 days or £120 if paid between 21-28 days and if it remains unpaid the matter may be taken to Court. The Education Welfare Service has the option of taking the matter directly to Court without first issuing a Penalty Notice.

Any leave of absence must be agreed by the Principal. ONLY the Principalcan authorise a period of leave and cannot authorise term time holidays. Click here to download a Leave of Absence Form

Please make sure your child is in school and on time everyday unless ill. All attendance is monitored regularly. Attendance below 90% may trigger the involvement of other agencies. Please do not hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do to support you in getting your child to school everyday. Please contact our school office to let us know if your child is going to be absent due to illness. Failure to do this could result in an unauthorised absence. If we do not hear from you, the school office will contact you as part of our safeguarding procedures.

100% = Excellent attendance

96-99% = Good attendance - up to 9 days absence.

90 - 95% - Below average attendance - 14-18 days absence.

For attendance of 95% and below, or where a child is at risk of dropping below 95%, parents will receive a letter about their child’s attendance.

90% or below - exceptionally low attendance - 19 days or more absence.
Pupils with attendance of 90% or below are classed, under Government guidelines, as persistently absent from school and parents of pupils with this level of attendance may be called into school to meet with the Pastoral Lead and a member of the Senior Leadership Team.


At Queen’s Manor Primary School, we promote the importance of punctuality and ask parents to make every effort to get children to school on time. Our gate opens at 8.45am and learning starts as soon as children enter the classroom. Our doors close at 9am so we ask that your child arrives between these times. If your child arrives after 9am you will need to enter via the office. For children who persistently arrive after 9am, parents, will receive a letter to discuss how we can support them to ensure their child arrives on time.

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