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Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) at Queen’s Manor

At Queen’s Manor Primary School, we ensure that all pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are supported, regardless of their specific needs, to make the best possible progress and achieve their potential in school. We ensure that all children are included in all areas of the curriculum, with the needs of SEND pupils carefully considered. At Queen’s Manor Primary School, we have a graduated approach to SEND, ensuring early identification of needs and a continuum of support for children in order to enable them to make progress. Please refer to our SEND Policy, which outlines the purpose, nature and management of special educational needs within our school.

Overview of our Provision

At Queen’s Manor Primary, we have a comprehensive intervention programme to ensure the needs of all learners are met. Across the school, our teachers and teaching assistants are trained to provide interventions, where necessary, covering various curriculum areas. These include:

  • Additional Maths and English Support
  • Speech, Language and Communication Support
  • Social and Emotional Literacy Support
  • Gross and Fine Motor Support

As part of the Local Offer, we have support from our Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, CAHMs Support Worker and School Nurse.

Follow this link: Hammersmith & Fulham’s Local Offer to gain a better understanding of the Local Offer.

Inclusion Lead: Annabelle Windsor
Interim SENCO: Mrs Lauren Naftis

Contact Details: inclusion@queensmanorprimary.org.uk 

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