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The history curriculum at Queen’s Manor Primary provides children with a coherent, chronological knowledge of the history of Britain and the wider world, through the structure of three vertical concepts.

These vertical concepts provide both a solid lens through which to study and contextualise history, as well as use small steps to help pupils to gain a profound understanding of complex, abstract ideas: 

‘Quest for knowledge’ 

How do people understand the world around them? What is believed; what is known; and what scientific and technological advances are made at the time? Why do people seek to rationalise?  

‘Power, empire and democracy’ 

Who holds power, and what does this mean for individuals at different levels of society? How is this power legitimised? How are people’s rights different in different political contexts? 

‘Community and family’ 

What is life like for people in different societies? How are these societies structured? How are family or community relationships different at different times and in different places? 

We aim to embed core disciplinary knowledge, and the ability to approach challenging, historically-valid enquiry questions. Our curriculum is designed in way which creates enthusiasm for history, which encourages an inquisitiveness to learn more about the past and provides opportunities to see themselves reflected in the curriculum.


Each unit of learning begins with a ‘pre unit quiz’, which assesses the existing knowledge and misconceptions children may have against the core knowledge they need to learn. This then supports and informs the teaching of that unit. Teachers plan with the three vertical concepts in mind and understanding the end point. As part of this planning process, teachers plan the following:   

  • A knowledge organiser which outlines knowledge (including vocabulary) all children must master 
  • A sequence of learning which aligns to the National Curriculum
  • A cycle of lessons for each subject, which carefully plans for progression and depth 
  • Quizzes which are used regularly to support learners’ ability to retrieve and recall knowledge and increase space in the working memory 
  • Challenge questions for pupils to apply their learning in a philosophical/open manner   
  • Trips and visits from experts who will enhance the learning experience

At the end of each unit, children will complete a ‘post unit’ questionnaire which challenges them to apply their new learning in a more open historical context – this supports children to retain what they have learnt.



Our high quality, well sequenced History Curriculum is planned to demonstrate progression. We recognise what makes history unique, and as a result make pedagogical choices to ensure teaching is the best it can possibly be. Furthermore, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:   

  • A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes  
  • Learning quizzes   
  • Pupil’s books
  • Pupil discussions about their learning     

Our history curriculum is carefully planned in a way which promotes the cultural capital of all our children. We enhance our curriculum especially for the most disadvantaged by organising school trips to enrich pupil’s understanding and provide context through first-hand experiences. We also provide additional opportunities such as historical focus days which focus on key historical events.

How you can help your child at home

EYFS and Key Stage 1
  • Talk with your child about things being in the past, present and future (using key words such as then, next, before, now)
  • Help your child to recognise changes between the present and the past (around your local area)
  • Encourage your child to put things into chronological order – “first you had breakfast, then you went to school, next you ate your lunch, after that you came home, and finally it’s now time for bed.”
  • Visit the London Transport Museum and discuss how vehicles have changed over time https://www.ltmuseum.co.uk/
  • Look around the Great Fire of London gallery at the Museum of London https://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/museum-london/great-fire
  • Walk around areas with castles and palaces in London - Hampton Court Palace, The Tower of London, Kensington Palace, Buckingham Palace
  • Observe some of the ways our homes have changed over the past 400 years at Museum of the Home https://www.museumofthehome.org.uk/
Key Stage 2

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